
Friday 8th January; Back from christmas :) & action shots

During the christmas holidays, our group discussed a few changes that would be made to our film.

The exposure from the sun made the shot seem darker than it actually was, so we decided do film the shots from the 'Environmental Suite' with the lights on.

Although this may portray a different look other than we were going for, - a dark office atmosphere - we felt that it would benefit our film as the lighting is more effecient throughout.

This was further discussed during lesson whilst getting to grips with a new application 'GarageBand' on the iMac's.

With only an hour to play with this new feature to us, we felt that we needed to get used to it before deciding on exactly what we desired for our sequence.

action shots
Here are some shots taken whilst filming, in no particular order...

casting shots

Director - Harrington Morris
Guard 1 - Emmanuel Ajala
Guard 2 - Ayo Babatunde
Vee - MatthewVenis

location shots