
Thursday 14th January; Time to re-film.

Yes, you heard correctly, we're re-filming the office scenes due to poor lighting I mentioned in one of my earlier posts.

We filmed an extra four shots for the flashback also to give extra action and as our group agree, makes it feel more action packed and look alot better than before.

As we knew what we had to film for the second half with poor lighting and how to film these shots, we captured quickly and quickly imported them back onto iMovie to edit and choose the desired shots.

With this completed it gave us time to use 'livetype' another application on the iMac's to give our production companys a professional look for our credits.

Jama Productions

A dot Breezy filming LTD.
These are the outcome of our groups hard work to produce a profeesional look. They are video, but screenshots for the blog.